Kid’s Kampus Preschool has an Emergency Plan. In the event of an emergency, the first responsibility of staff is to move the children to a designated safe area or alternate shelter known to all employees, caregivers, and volunteers.
Children will be relocated to the designated safe area or alternate shelter. We will use strollers, wagons, and cribs to aid in evacuating children who are under 24 months of age, who have limited mobility, or who otherwise may need assistance in an emergency, such as children who have mental, visual, or hearing impairments.
The director will bring her cell phone and use it to contact all local authorities, licensing, and parents. Teachers and the director will bring the emergency binder which includes parent and emergency contact information, authorization for emergency medical care, and attendance records. Teachers will also have the roster which shows which children were in care and will complete name to face checks every 10 minutes during the emergency.
For fire or any situation where students and staff need to evacuate the building, there are two pathways to exit from each classroom. The emergency plan map is located on the bulletin board of each classroom. The teacher will exit following the map and will bring the emergency binders with all required contact information and emergency preparation bag. This will hold items for students; Kleenex, band-aids, cotton balls, diapers and wipes if age group requires. This bag will also contain activities to keep students occupied if an extended period of time outside is needed.
For tornado emergencies, teachers will bring emergency binder, bag, and students to Toddler 1 room ,and use the duck and cover system. The director will bring emergency radio, cell phone, and school phone. Emergency kit with flashlights, activities for kids, etc already located in tornado room location.
If students and staff need to relocate away from Kid’s Kampus Preschool, we will walk, carry, or push emergency cribs to the nearest safe location. Teachers will bring emergency binder and bags, the director will contact all emergency personnel, parents, and owners via cell phone. Students will be accounted for by the teacher roster. Students will be gathered with the teacher with the roll sheet doing a name to face check to ensure all students are accounted for at the location.
The state requires that all children 4 years old, and not yet in school, have a hearing and vision screening on file at the center.
For the protection of all our children, your child should be kept home if he/she shows any of the following symptoms:
The illness prevents the child from participating in child-care center activities including outdoor play.
The illness results in a greater need for care than caregivers can provide without compromising the health, safety, and supervision of the other children in our care;
The child has one of the following, unless medical evaluation by a health-care professional indicates that you can include the child in the center’s activities:
Your child must be fever free for at least 24 hours, without the aid of fever-reducing medication, before returning to the center, or may return with a note from the pediatrician stating the child is healthy and able to attend.
If a child has a contagious disease, the Minimum Standards requires that a doctor’s statement accompanies your child back to school for re-admission. If the child has not had a physician in attendance, the child may not be re-admitted to the center until a time period has elapsed as recommended by the local and/or State Health Department. Please notify us if your child is exposed to a contagious disease.
In the event of an emergency, call 911 immediately, and perform CPR if needed. We will notify the parents and doctor after all emergency aid is completed. You must provide the name, address, and phone number of your child’s physician and emergency medical authorization, so that the center staff may assess emergency medical care if necessary. You must provide the center with information regarding allergies and health problems as well.
Due to the importance of dosing accuracy, Kid’s Kampus Preschool employees will only administer medication in the original prescription bottle with clear dosing instructions or if an over the counter medicine with written instructions from the doctor. If a child is prescribed an antibiotic to be given twice daily, we do not give at the center. If a child is prescribed an antibiotic that is to be given three or more times daily, we will administer the medication as directed by the medicine sign-in sheet. All medications must be logged in by the parents with the child’s name, parent signature, and specific instructions from label or doctor note on when and how to give to the child.
If you wish to come in to breastfeed your child, the center will accommodate you. Please let us know ahead of time when you will be stopping in; we can get a cozy area prepared for you in the nursery.
Snacks are served once a day to student’s mid-afternoon. Please pick up a menu by the front office so you will have a record of what items Kid’s Kampus Preschool is serving. Be sure that your child’s medical information lists any food allergies that he/she may have.
An all-you-can-eat home-cooked meal is served at mid-day. A menu is posted in the kitchen. If your child is on a restricted diet for a medical reason or if you choose to provide a lunch for your child, we will need a signed statement for your child’s file. Feel free to pick up a menu from the front office.
All children in care at Kid’s Kampus Preschool will have a supervised quiet period after the noon meal.
Kid’s Kampus Preschool will prevent and respond to abuse and neglect of children by implementing and providing the following procedures including: