Things To Bring And Know

Things to Bring:

A change of clothes clearly marked with your child’s name, to be kept at the center. Some children need more than one set. Messy artwork, spilled milk, water play, and potty accidents are a way of life in preschool. Please do not dress your child in extra nice clothes that you are afraid might get soiled. If your child wears home clothes that belong to the center please wash them at your earliest convenience and return them to the center.
A small blanket or coverlet and a small pillow. (ages 13 months and older) No large blankets or large pillows, please.

Personal Items:

Please label all clothes, shoes, and personal items. Kid’s Kampus Preschool will not be responsible for lost, stolen, broken, or damaged items. This includes but is not limited to clothing, eyeglasses, or personal items. Toys from home are not allowed at the center. Frequently, other children are excited to see the toy from home and this can cause a problem in the classroom. Please keep all toys at home. Please do NOT allow your child to bring money, candy, toys, etc. to the center.

Outside Time:

Outside time is important to children’s growth and development. We have many lessons students can learn from outside time. Children will go outside at least twice daily for playtime and exercise and sporadically for special learning opportunities.

Field Trips:

Field Trips will be offered in the Pre-K (4 years old) and the school-age program. Dates, times and places of these trips will be posted on the front door prior to the trip. Children must have a signed field trip permission form on file in the office.


School-age children will be provided with transportation to/from school. Your child must have a transportation permission slip signed and on file in the office.


Discipline shall be based on an understanding of the individual needs and development of a child and shall be directed toward teaching the child acceptable behavior. Employees shall seek to redirect aggressive, problem behavior and teach the child to respect the rights of others and to respect authority; your child will not be subjected to striking or spanking by the child care center staff.
Brief, supervised separation from the group may be used if necessary, but no child shall be placed in a locked room. Children shall not be humiliated or subjected to abusive or profane language. Punishment shall not be associated with food, naps, or toilet habits. The director may require the removal of a child if he becomes a disciplinary problem that we do not feel the other children should be subjected to, or that we are not capable of handling.

Inclement Weather:

We follow the inclement weather policy. Please refer to the television and radio stations to see if the district is open during inclement weather.